FDA approves fexinidazole as the first all-oral treatment for sleeping sickness.
The FDA has approved fexinidazole as the first all-oral treatment for both stages of the Trypanosoma brucei gambiense form of sleeping sickness (Human African trypanosomiasis) in patients 6 years of age and older and weighing at least 20 kg.
Current treatment options for the disease are effective, but burdensome for patients and health workers due to the need for infusion or injection, requiring hospitalization, especially challenging for people living in remote areas.
Having a simple, all-oral treatment for sleeping sickness is a dream come true for frontline clinicians,” said Dr Bernard Pécoul, DNDi Executive Director. “We are proud of this latest milestone in our long-term partnership with Sanofi, developed in close collaboration with researchers in countries hard-hit by sleeping sickness.”
Condition: Sleeping Sickness
Type: drug