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Read time: 1 mins
Published:29th Jul 2009
Author: Nestle FO, Kaplan DH, Barker J.
Availability: Free full text
Ref.:N Engl J Med. 2009 Jul;361(5):496-509

Psoriasis is important to the clinician because it is common and has treatment implications beyond the care of skin lesions. It is important to the physician-scientist because it serves as a model for studies of mechanisms of chronic inflammation. It is important to the clinical-trial investigator because it is increasingly a first-choice disease indication for proof-of-principle studies of new pathogenesis-based therapeutic strategies.

In recent years, substantial advances have been made in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of psoriasis. However, major issues remain unresolved, including the primary nature of the disease as an epithelial or immunologic disorder, the autoimmune cause of the inflammatory process, the relevance of cutaneous versus systemic factors, and the role of genetic versus environmental influences on disease initiation, progression, and response to therapy.

This review summarizes recent progress in our understanding of the molecular and immunologic basis of psoriasis and shows how improved insight into disease mechanisms has already resulted in tangible benefits for patients, including the introduction of new targeted therapies.

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