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Association between changes in pulmonary function and in patient reported outcomes during enzyme therapy of adult patients with late-onset Pompe disease

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Published:25th Mar 2023
Author: Lika A, Andrinopoulou ER, van der Beek NAME, Rizopoulos D, van der Ploeg AT, Kruijshaar ME.
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Ref.:J Inherit Metab Dis. 2023 Mar 26.
Association between changes in pulmonary function and in patient reported outcomes during enzyme therapy of adult patients with late-onset Pompe disease

Pompe disease is a rare, progressive, and metabolic myopathy. Reduced pulmonary function is one of the main problems seen in adult patients with late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD). We aimed to explore the association between changes over time in pulmonary function and in patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), in these patients treated with enzyme replacement therapy (ERT). This is a post hoc analysis of two cohort studies. Pulmonary function was assessed as forced vital capacity in the upright position (FVCup). As PROMs, we assessed the physical component summary score (PCS) of the Medical Outcome Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and daily life activities (Rasch-Built Pompe-Specific Activity [R-PACT] scale). We fitted Bayesian multivariate mixed-effects models. In the models of PROMs, we assumed a linear association with FVCup, and adjusted for time (nonlinear), sex, and age and disease duration at the start of ERT. One hundred and one patients were eligible for analysis. PCS and R-PAct were positively associated with FVCup, while their relation with time was nonlinear (initial increase then decrease). A 1%-point increase in FVCup is expected to increase PCS by 0.14 points (95% Credible Interval: [0.09;0.19]) and R-PACT by 0.41 points [0.33;0.49] at the same time point. In the first year of ERT, we expect a change of PCS and R-PAct scores by +0.42 and +0.80 points, and in the 5th year of +0.16 and +0.45, respectively. We conclude that the physical domain of quality of life and daily life activities improve when FVCup increases during ERT. 

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