Analysis on speech signal features of manic patients.
Given the lack of effective biological markers for early diagnosis of bipolar mania, and the tendency for voice fluctuation during transition between mood states, this study aimed to investigate the speech features of manic patients to identify a potential set of biomarkers for diagnosis of bipolar mania. 30 manic patients and 30 healthy controls were recruited and their corresponding speech features were collected during natural dialogue using the Automatic Voice Collecting System. Bech-Rafaelsdn Mania Rating Scale (BRMS) and Clinical impression rating scale (CGI) were used to assess illness. The speech features were compared between two groups: mood group (mania vs remission) and bipolar group (manic patients vs healthy individuals). We found that the characteristic speech signals differed between mood groups and bipolar groups. The fourth formant (F4) and Linear Prediction Coefficient (LPC) (P < .05) were significantly differed when patients transmitted from manic to remission state.
The first formant (F1), the second formant (F2), and LPC (P < .05) also played key roles in distinguishing between patients and healthy individuals. In addition, there was a significantly correlation between LPC and BRMS, indicating that LPC may play an important role in diagnosis of bipolar mania. In this study we traced speech features of bipolar mania during natural dialogue (conversation), which is an accessible approach in clinic practice. Such specific indicators may respectively serve as promising biomarkers for benefiting the diagnosis and clinical therapeutic evaluation of bipolar mania.