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Objective outcome measures: Collecting meaningful data on alopecia areata

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Published:1st Sep 2018
Author: Olsen EA, Roberts J, Sperling L, Tosti A, Shapiro J, McMichael A, Bergfeld W et al.
Availability: Free full text
Ref.:J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018 Sep;79(3):470-478.e3.
Objective outcome measures: Collecting meaningful data on alopecia areata

Although alopecia areata is a common disorder, it has no US Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment and evidence-based therapeutic data are lacking. 

Objective: To develop guidelines for the diagnosis, evaluation, assessment, response criteria, and end points for alopecia areata.

Methods: Literature review and expert opinion of a group of dermatologists specializing in hair disorders.

Results: Standardized methods of assessing and tracking hair loss and growth, including new scoring techniques, response criteria, and end points in alopecia areata are presented.

Limitations: The additional time to perform the assessments is the primary limitation to use of the methodology in clinical practice.

Conclusion: Use of these measures will facilitate collection of standardized outcome data on therapeutic agents used in alopecia areata both in clinical practice and in clinical trials.

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