Four year study of Humira (AbbVie) shows sustained benefits in Crohn's
Results from a year-4, interim analysis of data from the observational PYRAMID study of Humira (adalimumab), from Abbvie, in patients with Crohn�s Disease shows it has sustained clinical efficacy over 4 years in previously adalimumab-na�ve patients. The follow-up began in 2007 and is planned to continue for a total of 6 years. The analysis for the first 4 years of the study was performed on data from 2,095 (41%) patients. Patient outcome following treatment as assessed by the PGA scores demonstrated improvement during the first year that was sustained throughout the follow-up for patients new to adalimumab.
Improvements in mean scores measured by the Short Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, and WPAI were also observed after the first year of treatment, and were maintained over 4 years. Data were presented at United European Gastroenterology Week.